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Sustainability Assessment Tool

Society and Sustainability


1-2 h


Sustainability Assessment Tool

The Sustainability Assessment Workshop is designed to help projects evaluate their current engagement with sustainability practices. By using the Sustainability Assessment Canvas, participants will reflect on different aspects of sustainability, identify areas that are being addressed, planned for, or yet to be considered, and develop action steps for improvement. This workshop provides a structured and collaborative environment for participants to engage meaningfully with sustainability concepts.

The purpose of this workshop is to enable project teams to:

  • Gain an understanding of their current level of engagement with various sustainability aspects.
  • Identify strengths, gaps, and areas for future action in sustainability practices. Foster internal reflection and discussion to build a more sustainable project approach.
  • RDI project team members: individuals actively involved in the planning, execution, or processes of the project.
  • Stakeholders: representatives from organizations or communities that have a vested interest decision-makingin the project.

Organise a workshop of about 1 – 2 hours with the necessary participants.   ​

  1. Preparation
    • Set up the canvas on a large board or digital workspace where participants can place markers and post-its. Prepare green, orange, and red circles, along with post-it notes for participants to use.
  2. Introduction
    • Begin by explaining the purpose of the workshop, the canvas categories, and how the visual tools will be used.
  3. Canvas activity
    • Each team will use green, orange, and red circles to indicate whether their project is currently addressing (green), planning to address (orange), or not yet considering (red) each sustainability category.
    • Add post-it notes under each category to document needs, challenges, and future plans.
  4. Group Discussion
    • Discuss the outcomes of the canvas activity as a group. Highlight key areas that need immediate attention, celebrate current strengths, and share ideas on overcoming challenges.
  5. Action planning
    • Identify 1-2 priority actions for each category marked as orange or red. Document these actions as commitments to be reviewed later.

  • Document Outcomes: compile the completed canvases and notes from discussions.
  • Share Results: provide each project team with a summary of their self-assessment and suggested actions.
  • Follow-Up Meeting: plan a follow-up session in 3-6 months to review progress on identified action items.


The workshop is expected to raise awareness of sustainability dimensions within projects and provide participants with a clearer understanding of where improvements are needed. Participants will leave with a defined set of actions to enhance sustainability within their project, and the process will facilitate open communication between team members and stakeholders, encouraging collective responsibility for sustainability.

  1.  Clear Communication:
    • Clearly communicate workshop objectives and agenda.​
  2.  Facilitator Expertise:
    • If possible, employ a skilled facilitator with stakeholder engagement expertise.​
  3.  Time Management:
    • Allocate sufficient time for each step of the workshop.
  4.  Capture Insights:
    • Document key insights of the discussion. This can prove useful in the follow-up work.