Impact Network – Form

Please provide the details of your project or organization to join the CETP Impact Network. Select one main category that best describes your role in the clean energy value chain, and choose relevant subcategories under it. If needed, you may select subcategories from other main categories as well. The maximum is 1 main category and up to 3 subcategories. Your entry will help connect you with key players across Europe working to accelerate the clean energy transition.

    1. Technology Development & Value Chain— Energy Technology/Service providers— Industrial End-users, Off-takers & networks of SMEs— Innovation ecosystems / clusters / hubs— Logistics of raw materials and end products— Municipal end-users and networks of cities— Power & gas & heating network operators & aggregators— Supply of raw materials and parts2. Testing and Validation— Living labs— Test beds3. Market Analysis and Business Planning— Consultant companies— Industry Associations— Regional development agencies4. Policy and Regulation— Environmental & Societal Sustainability NGOs— EU Standardization & Certification— Industry Associations— Regulators on EU level5. Societal Engagement & Sustainability— Environmental & Societal Sustainability NGOS— Living Labs— Municipal end users and networks of cities6. Demonstration and upscaling— Demonstration sites7. Commercialization— Consultant companies— Energy Start-up Incubators and Accelerators— Energy Technology/Service providers— Innovation ecosystems / clusters / hubs— Regional development agencies8. Funding— Corporate Venture Capital— Investment and Finance Institutions— Venture Capitalists & networks of Angel Investors